15 Sep Apple butter
I was given a bag of windfall apples the other day so I peeled and cored them and slow cooked them for a few hours which is what apple butter is – it develops this wonderful colour of Autmn red and a deep apple flavour with its natural sugars. I added honey to make it a bit more yummy as most of the apples I used were cookers. It is delicious with yoghurt and granola or on top of porridge.
Approx 3 to 4 kilo of apples cooking or eating
200 ml honey ( not raw as it is going to be cooked and will loose its goodness)
Peel and core the apples, chop them into small pieces and place in a large saucepan with a lid. Allow some steam to build and juice to be released and then turn down to a simmer and stir in the honey. Cook for 10 minutes or until they are broken down. If the apples are eaters you may not need the honey.
If you have a slow cooker place the mixture into the pan and cook slowly for 4 to 6 hours.
If you have a range put the pan in at the lowest setting and cook for 4 to 6 hours.
Otherwise place the saucepan if it is oven proof into your oven on a low setting 150C or gas 3 and cook for 4 to 6 hours. Transfer to a casserole dish if not.
Once cool enough to handle pour into very clean jars with lids and store in the fridge. Once open keep in the fridge and use within 2 weeks.
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